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twist off cap opener

Blue Square Bottle opener

Looking for a different bottle opener for a beer event? Great for golf tournament bags, party or event favors or tradeshow handouts. The 2-in-1 bottle opener comes in 3 frosted colors and is made from ABS and polished steel. Red, blue or black. The top has a bottle opener and the bottom side can twist off caps. 1 color imprint 1″ x 1″ on one location. Additional locations can be imprinted for add’l price. Min is 50 pieces at 2.19 ea, 100 at 2.10 ea, 250 at 2.04 ea, 500 + 1.99 ea. 50.00 set up. Item number B-BT121b for black, B-BT121R for red,B-BT121BL for blue.

Opens bottles with top opener or twist off caps. Imprint on 1 side. B-BT121

Opens bottles with top opener or twist off caps. Imprint on 1 side. B-BT121

Order today!    877-351-2627


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