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lip balm made in USA

Beer flavored lip balm

Here’s the perfect, affordable marketing piece for beer lovers. Beer flavored lip balm is affordable, portable, useful. Great for summer promotions. Your logo or information will be handy each time the user takes it out of a pocket or purse to apply. Made in the USA, this lip balm contains natural beeswax, aloe, and vitamin E. Paraben-free, it’s available in your choice of 25 fun flavors, including BEER, this new non-SPF lip balm is perfect for promoting your brand at any event. Min 250 at 89 cents ea, with a 55.00 set up. Imprint area is 1-11/16″w x 1″h. Flavors available: Beer, Berry, Cherry, Citrus, Green Apple, Mint, Passion Fruit (Mango), Pina Colada, Pomegranate, Spearmint, Strawberry, Tangerine, Vanilla Mint, Seedless Watermelon, Grape, Dreamsicle, Fresh Squeezed Lemonade, Asian Pear, Margarita

Beer flavored lip balm W202

Beer flavored lip balm made in USA great for brewpubs, runs, tradeshows and more. Item W202

Order today!    877-351-2627

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